Wednesday 11 July 2012

Boost team morale
Have you recently appreciated a co-worker or your employee at work?

Team's productivity decreasing ? Team's morale is down ? here is the solution for your team

Increase team collaboration

Is your team kicking butt on one of their projects? Recognize their success in an upcoming team meeting, or by rewarding them with kudos. Recognition and appreciation for hard work can go a long way toward increased productivity and employee happiness and happy employees leads to great products and longer retention!

Boost team morale
Happiness graphs indicate team morale, take steps to boost your teams happiness quotient.Happy team = more productivity
Keep a tab on your team's morale using moods.

Did you know that according to a survey, more than 80% of workers like to have their efforts recognized?

Team Chemistry

Team chemistry is integral for company success.Great teamwork leads to great deliveries.Track team morale on a weekly or monthly basis.


Kudos are best awarded as on the spot achievement .


Triumph signifies a major success.Happiness levels go sky high.


Get your teams views and feedback through Polls.

HappyTeamMate helps you increase team morale and productivity.

Have you recently appreciated a co-worker or your employee at work? ... Any of us will put out more and better ideas if our efforts are appreciated. ... according to a survey "75% to 80% of workers said they got little or no recognition from their managers ...competencies at work and we all do want to be recognized for what we do"..

Release date : 1st June 2012